Gifts of Gratitude for You on Thanksgiving Weekend 2017
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and spent some uplifting time with your family and friends.
My husband Sharbel and I and our dog Harry spent a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving together in San Marcos, CA, where we have been experiencing some of the warmest temperatures on record. We even had to put our air conditioner on!

We enjoyed this delicious chocolate ganache cake the day after Thanksgiving. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2017. All rights reserved.
We ordered a delicious organic Thanksgiving dinner from Whole Foods. My husband, a member of what I call the “Sugar Police,” even gave the okay to buy a fabulous chocolate ganache cake at Whole Foods for our dessert. We were so full that we couldn’t even eat it on Thanksgiving, but enjoyed it greatly the next morning following breakfast.
From Beirut, Lebanon, my husband really loves Thanksgiving and its traditions. This year marks our sixth Thanksgiving together. Time is surely flying by. We recalled when he arrived in New Jersey for the second of his five visits before he moved to the United States to marry me. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving together in November of 2012. I cooked a delicious turkey and he carved it so beautifully. We were so grateful to be together again.

Here is my husband Sharbel preparing some roasted vegetables for our second Thanksgiving in San Diego in 2016. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2016. All rights reserved.
Thanksgiving is about being thankful for all the grace and abundance in our lives. Gratitude always shifts us to a higher vibration, opening the heart to experience even more gratitude and grace.
The poet John Milton wrote: “Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.”
The poet Rumi wrote: “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” He also wrote: “Giving thanks for abundance is greater than the abundance itself.”
A Message to Be Alert to Our Blessings
In Blessings: Prayers and Devotions for a Heartful Life, Julia Cameron writes in an excerpt from her book called “I Am Alert to My Blessings”:

I open my eyes, ears, and heart to the goodness all around me. Rather than focus on grandiose moments of dramatic change, I focus instead on the slight, steady, constant flow of improvement in my life. In every circumstance, in each encounter, I tabulate a small, hidden blessing. I allow God to guide me into new eyes, clearer vision, the insight necessary to count and encounter my abundance. My desire to see my abundant blessings gives me eyes to see. My desire to hear my blessings gives me ears to hear. The desire of my heart to encounter and explore my blessings opens my inner horizons to depths and heights which are expansive, inspiring, and beautiful. I bless the alert attention which connects me to this world.
The collective consciousness of Abraham, as channeled by Esther Hicks, often talks about the importance of gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness. Abraham believes that appreciation and thankfulness are on similar vibrations. It’s a bit of semantics, Abraham shares, as to the difference between gratitude and appreciation. But Abraham believes that appreciation has an even higher vibration than gratitude.
Abraham encourages us all to have an attitude of gratitude and appreciation BEFORE there is even a reason to feel that way. When you can cultivate an attitude of gratitude, that is when you open the door to many positive manifestations.
To learn more about Abraham’s thoughts on gratitude, you can check out a number of YouTube videos. Here are a few of them:
I am grateful for my connection to you and to others who visit my website, blogs and download my podcasts, and to those who derive benefit and value from what I share from my heart. On this Thanksgiving weekend, my heart is filled with great gratitude for all the blessings in my life. As I look forward to the rest of this holiday season, I am excited about all the good awaiting us in 2018.
I want to offer you the gift of a lovely e-book that my husband and I created a few years ago. It is called, “20 Ways to Open More to the Grace and Power of Gratitude.” Within it are beautiful quotes, exercises, a list of books on Gratitude, videos links, photos and so much more. I hope you get a chance to download and read it. And of course I hope you enjoy it. You can click here to access it. I will offer it for free until the end of the year. After that, it will be available for purchase on my website.
In the e-book, I share a link to a video I just watched again before writing this message. It is so precious that I want to share it with you today. Click on the picture below to check out this short video that is so moving and profound. It has over two million views and counting. The message shared is timely and so magnificent.
I also want to share with you a link to a meditation I did on gratitude. I hope you can take some time out to relax and listen to it. If you do, I also hope it uplifts your spirit and opens your heart to more gratitude.
My husband and I co-hosted a teleseminar together on Gratitude in 2013 following our second Thanksgiving together. You can access it below.

Sharbel and Rev. Donna El Haber enjoy working together and doing teleseminars. They plan to do some talks and teleseminars together in 2018.
During that teleseminar, my husband did a beautiful five-minute meditation on gratitude that I think you will really enjoy. You can access it here.
May this Thanksgiving open the way to so much gratitude and grace in your life. And as you move forward toward 2018, may the beautiful gratitude in your heart help open so many doors to all the magnificent miracles awaiting you.
With love, healing and miracles and great gratitude for you and the miracle you are in this world,
Rev. Donna El Haber
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