Listen to Rev. Donna El Haber talk about her Time to Awaken to Joy and Abundance Packages.

Take the leap to awaken to joy and abundance and dive into your divine destiny! Photo by Abdulaziz Almansour from
“Time to Awaken to Joy and Abundance” with with Archangels Remliel, Fortunata, Ramaela and Micah
If you have been feeling down and depressed and are seeing your glass as half-empty instead of half-full, this package can help perk you up. If you are missing the present precious moments in search of a rare and perfect tomorrow that never comes, then this package can help you focus on the present and what you have and all the blessings already in your life.
Through angel counseling and guidance, advanced energy healing and other modalities, we will work together to let more light in and open your heart to more joy, abundance, gratitude and love. Don’t miss another precious moment regretting the past or worrying about the future. Focus on the beauty of each moment, life’s simple pleasures and treasures and shift into the expansive space of a very grateful heart.

Focus on the beauty of each moment, life’s simple pleasures and treasures and shift into the expansive space of a very grateful heart. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2015. All rights reserved.
So much will then begin to open up for you. Let’s see if we can work together to help you shift into acknowledging and embracing the miracle that you are and all you have accomplished. When you begin to open up to a life of infinite possibilities and miracles, you begin to blossom and shine in ways you never thought possible.

When you begin to open up to a life of infinite possibilities and miracles, you begin to blossom and shine in ways you never thought possible. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2015. All rights reserved.
“I Am Ready to Awaken Now to More Abundance and Joy” Transformational Package
This package is for those who are ready to awaken to the miracle they are and all the blessings awaiting their attention. It is for those who want to shift to a more positive way of looking at their lives, at themselves, and the way they perceive others.
When you awaken to the Truth of who you are and how connected you are to God and the angels, all will begin to shift in your life and you will start to see your life with new eyes. You will begin to let so much more love and light into your life and also so much more grace and so many more blessings. You will be asked to keep a journal of gratitude, grace, and of all the miracles that will begin to flow freely into your life.

Get excited, jump for joy and open to the infinite possibilities for expansion and abundance in your life.
This package will include:
“Open to Awakening to Abundance and Joy” Package
This package is for those who want to take the process of shifting and awakening more slowly. Together we will gently explore underlying issues that are keeping you stuck and holding you back from experiencing more love, joy, abundance and fulfillment in your life. We will work on bringing your attention to the miracle that you are and all the blessings already in your life. Little by little, you will begin to open to joy and gratitude and notice the grace flowing into your life.
This package will include:
“Taste of Awakening to Abundance and Joy” Package
This package is for those who want to gently begin to experience change in their lives and to take baby steps as they shift into new ways of seeing their lives and the world around them. It is for those who want to awaken slowly and whose hearts need gentle healing and more subtle exploration of issues blocking their abundance and joy. If they enjoy the “Taste of Awakening” Package, they can continue on in the process and sign up for the Silver or Golden Packages.

You deserve a life filled with so much joy and abundance. Let’s see if I can help you make some positive shifts.
This package will include:
Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!
Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!