Why Work With Me?
If you have come to my website, read some of the content here and watched some videos, you should get a very good sense of whether to move forward and sign up for one of my packages. If you are still hesitating, it might be because I am not the best match for helping you break through your blocks and limitations. If, however, you do feel we are a good match, but have some additional questions, I’d like to share with you some answers to questions you might have.
I would also like to identify what some of your struggles might be, share some of the benefits of working with me, the results many have enjoyed and appreciated when they have worked with me, and what sets me apart from other counselors and healers. And finally, I’d like to highlight my proven “Break Through to Break Free Process™” that has enabled so many of my clients to break free from old patterns and beliefs that were holding them back from a happier and healthier life so they could break through to so much more joy, abundance and love.
1. Who, typically, are the clients who can benefit most from working with me?
Typically, you are a spiritual seeker who loves animals and nature and who is open to finding new solutions for patterns and beliefs that have limited your health and happiness. You might be a middle-aged man or woman in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s, seeking to break free to a life filled with so much more joy, love and abundance. You also might be a younger man or woman in your 20’s or 30’s who is seeking guidance in love and career issues.
You may feel stuck and unable to move forward. You want to advance from a paradigm of victim to victor and are committed to healing and momentum in your life. You care deeply about making progress and you are open-minded, intelligent, caring and very motivated. You are someone who wants to invest in yourself so you can advance and enjoy more health and abundance in the future.

You love animals and nature and are creative.

You are open to finding new solutions for patterns and beliefs that may have limited your health and happiness.
You might be a creative artist who can think “out-of-the-box” to find unique solutions or someone who is open to new ideas. Talented and gifted, you are someone who believes in continuous learning, are committed to personal growth, and have many talents and gifts to share with the world.
As a client, you would look forward with positive anticipation to our work together and get excited about your “breakthroughs.” Because of the benefits you enjoy, you would want to share the gifts of my work with others and easily refer me to family, friends and colleagues. You are also happy to offer great testimonials and appreciate the value of our work together.
You feel blessed to be in a positive energetic exchange of giving and receiving with me, can afford my programs and appreciate the value of what I offer. You follow through on your commitments and understand that growth is a process, not a quick fix. You want to do whatever it takes, so you can enjoy the fruits of all your inner work and reap the rewards of your progress. You are in your integrity, show up on time, have a good sense of humor, and a high degree of personal responsibility.

You might be a creative artist who can think “out-of-the-box” to find unique solutions or someone who is open to new ideas.

You follow through on your commitments and understand that growth is a process, not a quick fix.
You are seeking a clear vision of what you want your life to look like, and when you have that vision, you want to take action, if even only taking baby steps.

You want to take action, if even
only taking baby steps at first.
You seek deeper fulfillment, more joy and abundance in your life, as well as more balance and deep transformation. You are someone who is flexible, enjoys having fun, likes to play and laugh, but you are serious about progressing on your path.

You are someone who is flexible, enjoys having fun, likes to play
and laugh, but you are serious about progressing on your path.
2. What typically are your biggest struggles?
You might not be in touch with strong emotions and feelings, such as anger, disappointment, or jealousy, among others. You might be someone who has repressed hurts and traumas from childhood that affect your current reality. You can have some unconscious early childhood programming, as most of us do, as well as some negative subconscious beliefs and old programs running the show of your life and affecting you in adverse ways. You may have blind spots you cannot see about something in your life, such as wanting a relationship, but sabotaging any possibility for it; wanting success in business, but not being committed to it; and wanting abundance, but blocking it.
You may repeat negative patterns and wonder why you can’t move forward. You are someone who struggles to find answers and may give up too quickly when the right ones don’t manifest in the ways you expected. You may be comfortable with the way things are in your life even if they are not fulfilling. That may be because you are stuck in old habits and patterns.

You may be comfortable with the way things are in your life even if they are not fulfilling.
3. What challenges do you regularly come up against? What are some of your main issues?
Abundance in different areas of your life may be repeatedly blocked through limiting thoughts and actions due to a scarcity mindset. You can have fears, doubts and worries that may overwhelm your thoughts, affect your sleep and lower your vibration. You are wired “for the familiar” and hold on to what you know even if it is uncomfortable. You don’t like venturing out of your comfort zone and suffer the consequences of fearing the new or unknown.

Abundance in different areas of your life may be repeatedly blocked through limiting thoughts and actions due to a scarcity mindset.
You might not make spiritual practice a priority in your life because you are too busy. You may have recurring limiting beliefs that you will never succeed and overcome your problems, and can feel underpaid and underappreciated. You may feel unfulfilled in either your career or in your relationships. You may feel constrained by others’ beliefs and expectations about you and the ways they think your life should be (black sheep syndrome). You may have a blind spot about your own brilliance and can also have blind spots about what triggers you most.

You may feel constrained by others’ beliefs and expectations about you and the ways they think your life should be (black sheep syndrome).
You may have a spouse who is not supporting your growth and can even fear your growth. You are someone who might not be as compassionate as you would like to yourself and sometimes to others. You also can hold on to anger because you are feeling unhappy, dissatisfied and unfulfilled with your life. You are longing for what feels like elusive happiness and often compare yourself to others and others’ successes in life.

You are longing for what feels like elusive happiness.
4. What are you feeling and what do you wish you could do better?
You might have feelings of unworthiness or not feel loved and appreciated. You may recall hurts of the past and carry them inside your heart. Sometimes blaming others for whatever did not go right in your life or blaming yourself, you may engage in ongoing negative self-talk.
You may be someone who gives too much to the point of depletion and then becomes angry about it, or you may avoid conflicts and difficult issues in your life until a serious crisis erupts.
When holding on to anger and resentment, you can neglect self-care and nourishment of your soul and be in denial about what is not working in your life. You may feel out of balance, either focusing too much on work or too much on play, or too much on the spiritual or too much on the material.
You may keep hoping for a miracle without following the divine guidance you are receiving. When in despair, you can forget to be grateful for your many blessings and see your glass as half-empty.
You may get defensive when suggestions for change are introduced. You may keep trying to take control when Spirit is pushing for a new and different direction.

You may avoid conflicts and difficult issues in your life until a serious crisis erupts.

You may feel out of balance in your life.

Do you see your glass as half-empty or half-full?

Do you let Spirit help guide you on your
path or are you trying to steer the wheel
of your own destiny?
5. What can working with me help you do that you cannot do by yourself?
I can help you tap into your divinity and strong connection to Spirit and teach you how to invoke a heavenly team to help you in many areas of your life. In the course of your work with me, you may be motivated to make plans to seek a new job or shift your focus to a new career. You may be prompted to leave an unhealthy relationship or relationships that are no longer for your highest good. You may also begin to clear the clutter in your heart, mind, home and work environment, opening to the new.
Working with me might help you live your life with more passion and motivate you to return to what you love to do, whether as a hobby or a career. You will gain clarity on your next steps, be guided to have more balance in your life, step outside old paradigms, find new answers to old problems and see your life from a different perspective.
You will work on clearing old programming with forgiveness, love and new awareness, as I share some quantum and multi-dimensional solutions for healing, peace and inner resolution. I can help you set proper boundaries, focus on learning new ways to shift, release past mistakes and grasp new opportunities you have previously been too fearful to embrace.
You will also focus on the power of forgiveness for the self and others. I will help renew your connection and trust in Spirit, teach you to become more aware of signs from Spirit, and help you use your intuition more often.

You can find new answers to old problems and see your life from a different perspective.

I will help renew your connection and trust in Spirit, teach you to become more aware of signs from Spirit, and help you use your intuition more often.
6. What might you be most fearful of?
You may be afraid of facing difficult issues, such as those relating to finances, career and relationships. You may be resistant to taking the next steps to move forward. You may fear not being able to make the changes you long to do to have a more fulfilling life and worry that you will be in scarcity for the rest of your life, not find the love you are seeking, or that you will spend your life doing unfulfilling work. Or you may worry that you are not fulfilling your life purpose or sharing your gifts with the world.

You may be resistant to taking the next steps to move forward.
7. What might you have in common with some of my clients before I began working with them?
You may hold on to the past and what you know and may be afraid to make the leap of faith to invest wisely in yourself so you can move forward. When you delay that invaluable investment, you may continue on in an unsatisfying job or relationship. You may then begin to believe that you will never be able to make positive changes and have thoughts and fears about scarcity and lack.
You may be longing for love that you can’t seem to manifest and also exhibit a lack of self-love and deeper understanding of your own extraordinary self-worth. You may also feel a disconnection from Spirit.
Like so many others, you may remain in the comfort of denial and resistance to change, and yet feel frustrated and confused by your lack of progress. You know you want to make a difference in the world and do what you love, but you might not know how to begin achieving that. You may worry that you might have even less if you are bolder and begin to take risks in mid-life.
With hurt and frustration, you may hold in so much anger until it unexpectedly bursts like a dam. You can be holding on to anger about parents who did not provide a source of unconditional love and about family members who are unsupportive or who only appreciate conformity.
You want to break free of fetters and “dance” your unique dance, but are afraid to do so and are not clear about how to begin to break free.

Are you ready to make that leap of faith?

You want to break free of fetters and “dance” your unique dance.
8. What might be some of your major blind spots?
You may think you will be able to make important changes without any help. You might be in denial about your true feelings regarding your current job and relationship because the truth would be too painful to face alone. You may think you have to make BIG changes to make a difference, when maybe only small steps outside your comfort zone could have some dramatic effects on your life. You may have forgotten to pay attention to Spirit’s signs and to connect more deeply to your soul’s purpose and to Spirit.
A big blind spot for so many is pretending to have all the time in the world to make progress. You may be wasting time blaming others for issues you need to take personal responsibility for. You may tell yourself that you will make progress, while not being totally “committed” to the changes you want to make.
Another huge blind spot is ignoring your powerful unconscious beliefs. When you let your subconscious beliefs run the show of your life, you do not believe you have the power to step into your greatness. You are ignoring important signs and not letting Spirit take control of your next steps and destination.

You may have forgotten to pay attention to Spirit’s signs and to connect more deeply to your soul’s purpose and to Spirit.
9. What do you want most?
You want to feel more love and support in your life. This may mean a new way of relating to family members, a love interest in your life, or deeper relationships with friends. You also want to have more clarity in your life, a plan for your next steps, a trajectory for where you are heading and what you want to accomplish.
You want to have more control over your time and what you choose to do with that time. You also want to have more freedom in your life to enjoy what you love to do, and to spend more quality time with friends, family and with your pets. You especially want to have the freedom to travel and take any kind of classes you would enjoy to help you move forward on your path.

You also want to have more freedom in your life to enjoy what you love to do, and to spend more quality time with friends and family and with your pets.
10. What is it that you might not know you need to make progress?
You might not understand the great value of having a mentor to help you move forward by clearing inner blocks and revealing blind spots you cannot see. You might not know you need someone to reflect your strengths back to you and to let you know what a miracle you are, as well as someone to give you the permission you need to release from the past and move forward.
You may have never experienced the power of advanced energy healing work and its transformative powers to heal physical, mental and emotional pain, and to help release the stuck energies of trauma. You may have never experienced counseling from the angels who can share deep wisdom that can provide a map of where you need to go next, what challenges you need to overcome, and the gifts that will follow from meeting those challenges. You also may have forgotten to regularly do important spiritual practices that can connect you more easily to Spirit and your own inner divinity.
You might not know you are in need of emotional healing as well as work on limiting beliefs. You may also not understand the importance and benefits of having a mentor to help you celebrate who you are, the gifts you have shared with the world, and all you have already accomplished.

You may have never experienced counseling from the angels who can share deep wisdom that can provide a map of where you need to go next.
11. What do you need most to get positive results?
You need to make a strong commitment to your growth and invest in yourself. You need to have the courage to say “yes” to the repetitive signs that keep appearing, release old ways of being and doing, while seeking guidance from your Higher Self and from Spirit. You need to find the right mentor to lead you out of the forest, while cultivating a strong sense of trust and faith. You need to surrender to divine will and let Spirit guide the wheel of your life, enabling you to embrace changes and be in the flow.
You need to heal old wounds and release old subconscious programming. To go forward, you must “feel the fear” and “do it anyway,” seek out like-minded people for support, set healthy boundaries, while cultivating a mindset of miracles and abundance.
You need to forgive the past and people in your lives and believe that it is not too late to make positive changes. In addition to releasing your resistance to change, you need to declare what it is you want to achieve, set your intentions, and find a way to be accountable for your decisions.
You also may need to clear clutter to create a positive energetic pathway for healthy change, while cultivating the belief that you are powerful beyond your imagining, and that with Spirit’s help, all is possible. And finally, you need to connect with God and the angels and other spiritual beings regularly for guidance and inspiration.

You need to surrender to divine will and be in the flow.

You are powerful beyond your imagining.
12. What are the major benefits of working with me?
With the combination of angel and Akashic Records guidance, counseling and advanced energy healing that I can offer, you can experience transformational healing and breakthroughs that can positively affect you on many levels, from the physical, mental and emotional to the spiritual.
Through my intuition, guidance and channeling of divine wisdom, I can get to the heart of what is blocking you from moving forward and shine a compassionate light on the truth of what is holding you hostage to unhealthy, negative patterns that prevent you from experiencing more joy, ease, grace and balance in your life.

I can get to the heart of what is blocking you from moving forward and shine a compassionate light on the truth of what is holding you back.
Breakthroughs can initially shake up your world. Regardless of how you feel when moving through the pain that has been keeping you stuck, when you open to new ways of thinking, feeling and being, you will be happily surprised and uplifted by the inner work you have done to come to your new insights and realizations. You may even feel as though you have been reborn and rise, like the Phoenix, on the ashes of the old with new inspiration, vitality and hope.
You can expect breakthroughs, epiphanies and transformational healing that can positively affect you on many levels and in all areas of your life. It is possible during a program of sessions to get to the heart of what is blocking you from moving forward as you release negative emotions and open to more joy, ease, grace and balance in your life. In recognizing the miracle and blessing that you are, along with all your gifts and strengths, you will be empowered to make healthy choices that come from your heart, cultivate a deeper connection with Spirit, and begin to align with your passions and life purpose.
You will be empowered to move forward as you uncover and release negative emotions and open to more joy and abundance in your life. You will also be able to open to more love, compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others, healing deep hurts and old wounds. From this empowered and heart-centered space of love, you will break through old patterns and experience deep transformation. Then so much healing and so many miracles will naturally flow into your life.

You may even feel as though you have been reborn and rise, like the Phoenix, on the ashes of the old with new inspiration, vitality and hope.
13. What sets me apart from other counselors and energy lightworkers?
I have knowledge of many advanced healing modalities and will be guided to what will work best for you. Certified in a variety of powerful healing modalities for both people and pets, in a single session, I can access and combine a variety of healing modalities and techniques that enable me to work on many levels.
I can also provide a safe and sacred space of love, compassion and understanding for healing to occur. In creating a space of deep love and support for clients, I welcome in God and the angels to create a holy and sacred environment for you to feel safe and protected. Within sessions, I may offer meditations with music that can be listened to again on the recording.
My special team of angels that I call my personal “trinity” helps bless, grace, and provide miracles for me and my clients. They include Amarushaya, the Angel of Blessings, Ananchel, the Angel of Grace, and Hamied, the Angel of Miracles.
I often use Quantum Healing techniques that are fast, very powerful and continue working after a session has ended. Clients continue to experience the benefits after a session because they are “in process.”

I can provide a safe and sacred space of love, compassion and understanding for healing to occur.
I work with clients around the world via Skype and record all sessions so they can listen with “new ears” a second time, or as many times as they like.
I can access your Akashic Records and your past lives, as well as each year of your current life through Matrix Energetics’ time travel to uncover issues in need of healing and release. I am also certified in Past Life Regression. Powerful Quantum Spin techniques and Quantum Prayer techniques may be used in a session. They are the same techniques used to bend “unbendable” spoons and forks.
I can work on a variety of issues to help you move forward, from career and health, to abundance and relationship issues. I offer four divine angel sacraments, Divine Plan, Love, Health and Freedom, to help clients gain major insights around these issues.
I know a great deal about alternative therapies and will also offer suggestions to help you improve your health and well-being. I have taken classes in classical homeopathy and can provide referrals to practitioners to complement the healing work I do.
14. What features of my practice, business or service set me apart from others?
I am known to those healers I have worked with as “The Healer of Healers.” My transformational healing process, “Break Through to Break Free Process™” is very powerful, enabling clients to break through blocks and long-held negative beliefs to enable them to break through to more joy, health, love and abundance.
I open my sessions with a prayer and conclude them using the powerful healing tool of a Quantum Prayer and meditation. As an Angel Minister, I have been called to this particular “Angel Ministry” because within my DNA, I am part of the Seraphim lineage and share blessed attributes of the Seraphim, the angels who sit closest to God and help radiate God’s love out to the world. As such, I am a receptive channel and vessel for angelic guidance to pour through. I have very strong intuitive gifts that enable me to see past surface issues and into the heart of what challenges are truly troubling and blocking clients.
Something else that sets me apart is that I enjoy “falling in love” with my clients and seeing the beauty and miraculous essence of who they are. This space of sacred love creates a welcoming place for miracles to occur.
I have read much, taken many classes, and know a variety of advanced healing modalities to better help clients in diverse ways. I also have a wealth of knowledge about current alternative medical techniques and can share many gifts and suggestions to help clients heal. I am also an excellent researcher who can seek out an array of solutions and answers for clients who are suffering with chronic disease.
I have had many powerful physical energetic activations, including the Adam Kadmon activation and several others from The Modern Mystery School; activations from Jo Dunning; Arcturian Healing Light activations with Dr. Gene Ang; as well as some other activations for my body to become a strong light vessel to carry powerful healing energies that I channel to others.

Hamied, the Angel of Miracles, is one of the Seraphim angels. As an Angel Minister, I am a channel for the wisdom of the Seraphim to flow through me to you.

I have a close connection with Mother Mary in several of her forms as the Medjugorje from Yugoslavia, pictured above, and Our Lady of Fatima from Portugal.
Often over-delivering, I gifts clients with recordings, scans of their angel cards and other spiritual information, along with an array of suggestions and resources after a session has concluded. I provide additional support for clients after a session via emails and links to sites and articles.
I believe in the Ho ‘Oponopono philosophy that acknowledges that when someone comes to me with a problem, I am responsible for helping alleviate any suffering relating to that problem. With a compassionate and loving heart, I see clients as valuable, unique, and so worthy of love, healing and miracles. I have as my foundation the principles of “The Course in Miracles” and share with clients that all healing comes from love, forgiveness and compassion.
I work with God, the angels, ascended masters and others from dimensions and Universes beyond, like the Arcturians and Pleiadians, to heal and solve problems. I also have a close connection with Mother Mary in several of her forms as the Medjugorje from Yugoslavia and Our Lady of Fatima from Portugal. I am focused on fulfilling my divine purpose which is to be of the highest service to God and the Angels.
I also have a close spiritual connection with the Italian Saint and Roman Catholic Priest, Padre Piό, and include current clients in prayers when reciting his prayer of intercession. With my deep connection both to Padre Piό and to animals, I also feel deeply connected to St. Francis of Assisi.
I also feel a close connection with Hindu traditions and the teachings of Satya Sai Baba and his feminine counterpart, Amma Rajajeshwari.
When I do animal communication sessions, I also offer recommendations on health issues and draw Power Animal cards for your pet to share with you. And if there is time, I will also select a card for you from the angels.
Having experienced loss and grief, I have also had health, abundance and relationship challenges. I have come from darkness into the light with God’s grace and the angels’ blessings. When facing life’s challenges, I have many tools to help me shift and learn from the grace of the lesson. My life purpose is to use my gifts and wisdom I earned through my experiences to help others shift into the light of love that awaits them, even if they are in the midst of a storm.
At the end of sessions, I guide clients to take some positive action steps so that healing continues after a session and behaviors come more into alignment with new paradigms.
Having many skills to help animals, I can also help guardians through the trauma of losing a pet or preparing for a pet’s transition. I also offer a service using my intuitive gifts to help you find your pet if your pet is missing.
I also enjoy working together with my husband Sharbel to help clients, combining my gifts and talents with his gifts as a wise man of peace, passion and purpose who also has healing gifts.

I have a close spiritual connection with the Italian Saint and Roman Catholic Priest, Padre Piό, and include current clients in prayers when reciting his prayer of intercession.

I also enjoy working together with my husband Sharbel
to help clients heal.
15. What benefits and results can I promise that others cannot?
Although I can never make any promises or guarantees, as so much depends on each individual’s readiness for healing and the will of the Divine, many of my clients have experienced positive results and transformational healing on a variety of levels.
With my intuitive gifts, I can offer insights from the angels and from the Lords of the Akashic Records on why you may be experiencing what you are going through, along with ways to move forward through challenges to receive the gifts you so richly deserve. With the combination of angel guidance, counseling and advanced energy healing, you have a greater possibility of experiencing transformational breakthroughs.
I can share information on your soul purpose, the life you came here to live, and the purpose you came here to fulfill, through counseling and the tools of the Arcturian Soul Blueprint Activation and the Divine Plan Angel Sacrament.
Through my intuition, guidance and channeling of divine wisdom, I can get to the heart of a problem and shine a light on the truth of what is holding you hostage to unhealthy patterns that repeat throughout your life.

Micah, the Angel of Divine Plan, helps oversee the Divine Plan Sacrament that I can do to help you understand your soul’s purpose here.
16. Why should a prospective client work with me instead of another counselor and healer?
The investment to work with me and have a package of sessions with me can bring a big potential life-changing return on your investment. However, you should only make that investment if you are open to change and to new ways of thinking, seeing, being and to resolving issues.
I have a rich array of healing and other gifts to choose from to suit your individual needs and circumstances, offering great diversity and powerful options to choose from. Other counselors may not have healing techniques available to share with you in a session. And other healers may not have as diverse and powerful an array of options to share with you. Unlike other healers, I set the intention to “fall in love” with radiant aspects of your soul. During the course of our work together, I will let you know how loved you are by God and the angels and what a gift and miracle you are. In my healing work, I open to the Zero-Point Field where all is possible and where love, healing and miracles can easily occur.

I open to the Zero-Point Field where all is possible and where love, healing and miracles can easily occur.
Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!
Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!