Birthday Gifts of Gratitude from My Heart
How do you feel about your birthday? When it approaches, do you get excited and happy because you know it will be a special day filled with fun and surprises? Are you looking forward to having others who care about you connect and do whatever they can to let you know how loved you are?

When your birthday approaches, do you get excited and happy because you know it will be a special day filled with fun and surprises? Photo by Art Brazee from
Or do birthdays bring up important feelings, some of them not so easy, as birthdays become the signal, like New Year’s Eve, to take stock of where you have been, what you have accomplished, and where you want to go from here? Birthdays can also bring up fears of aging too fast as you may reflect on how time seems to have flown by so quickly. They can also mark a new beginning where you have another opportunity to re-set your goals and intentions and the course of your life’s trajectory for the next year.

Do birthdays become the signal for you, like New Year’s Eve, to take stock of where you have been, what you have accomplished, and where you want to go from here? Photo by Jonathan Sabo from
Dancing with the Stars: Live! – Hot Summer Nights
This week I celebrated my birthday with my husband Sharbel both on Wednesday evening, August 9, and on Thursday, August 10, my actual birthday. Even though it wasn’t easy for us to go out on Wednesday evening for a number of reasons, our hearts overrode all and we bought tickets to see “Dancing with the Stars: Live! – Hot Summer Nights.” To see the opening number and the cast of 10 dancers, click on the picture below. Rashad Jennings, last season’s winner, was also there to perform some numbers with the cast and his dance partner Emma Slater.
Although we missed some beginning dance numbers because of California freeway traffic, it was still an uplifting evening of joy. The show exuded energy, talent, creativity and fun. By the end of the evening, the audience got to know each of the dancers a little more intimately.
Some dancers came out and addressed the audience personally to share thoughts about DWTS, their dance partners and what DWTS has meant to them and to their careers. There were also some interviews played on a big screen on the stage. Members of the cast were asked different questions, such as who is the sexiest cast member, the best looking one among the group, the one you would most want to marry, the one with the most passion, among other interesting and revealing questions. Their responses were funny and charming. Very handsome Gleb Savchenko was a clear winner for being voted the best looking and Alan Bersten won hands down for passion. He even voted for himself on that question!
The lighting, music, set design, production, and variety of numbers were all fabulous. It was, however, the extraordinarily gifted dancers and brilliant choreography that gave everyone who came an evening to savor and remember. The ensemble seamlessly worked together as a masterful team. And they clearly just have so much fun doing what they were born to do, dancing to their hearts’ delight and sharing their gifts with others. To check out one of the hot numbers to the record-breaking hit song Despacito/Bailar, click here.
After the show ended, my heart was filled with joy and I wanted to share that joy with my husband. So while walking in the plaza outside the theater, I began singing our wedding song, “All of Me” by John Legend. Then I took my husband’s hand to begin our wedding dance. Although very shy, my husband granted my birthday wish and danced on the plaza with me. That was such a sweet and a special birthday memory.

My husband Sharbel and I also took some selfies when we were still beaming with the energy of joy after watching the wonderful Dancing with the Stars show in San Diego, CA, the night before my birthday. Photo by Donna and Sharbel El Haber, 2017. All rights reserved.
Special Meditation for You
Then I had the idea to share some joy and gifts with you. That’s when Sharbel videotaped my message above. We also took some sweet selfies to remember this beautiful birthday evening.
Because I was filled with so much joy, I did a special meditation for you, calling in Ramaela, the Angel of Joy. You can access it by clicking on the audio player below.
Ramaela shares some profound wisdom for us all. Joy is so important in all our lives. It gets a ranking from Dr. David R. Hawkins in his seminal book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior of 540, just below Peace at 600 and Enlightenment at 700 – 1,000.

Ramaela, the Angel of Joy. Photo from Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney’s “Angel Blessings: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration.”
Joy is the key
When Esther Hicks channels the wisdom of the collective consciousness called Abraham, her workshops always begin with a song that says, “Joy, joy joy. Joy is the key. Joy is the key.” In all of Abraham’s teachings, joy is so prevalent and truly is the key. For when you are in joy, your vibration is uplifted. When your vibration is high, that truly is the key for opening the doors to so much good in your life and all the bounty that awaits you in your vibrational vortex. Feeling happy and joyful, Abraham often affirms, will help you manifest what you want much more quickly.

Abraham Hicks affirms that “Joy is the key.” It can unlock so much good in your life. Photo by Shirley B from
It sounds so simple to be grateful, happy and to be in your joy. Yet so many of us are bogged down in what Abraham calls the “contrast of life” with all its challenges. I listen to Abraham’s teachings often because they are an important reminder, especially when I am not feeling well and experiencing too much contrast, to shift my thoughts and attitude and to work on raising my vibration. When I am sad or complaining or reflecting on something or someone who hurt me in the past or in the present, I am blocking the positive energy waiting to manifest in my life and emerge into physical form.
When you are feeling sad, frustrated, angry, lonely or hurt, you can listen to my meditation and Ramaela’s wisdom. May it remind you that whatever is happening in your life, you can still find joy. It is your joy that can transform and heal so much for you. To listen to my meditation, click here.
Open Your Heart to More Joy & Abundance
I also offer a package of sessions called “Time to Awaken to Joy and Abundance” that can help you shift to see and experience your life in a more positive way. The sessions are geared to helping you open your heart to more joy, abundance, gratitude and love. Click here to learn more about it.
Do you need to shift to let in more joy and abundance? Check out my “Time to Awaken to Joy and Abundance” packages to see if I can help.
My Gifts to You
On my birthday, I wanted to share my joy with you and offer you some gifts from my heart. One gift is to do five one-card angel readings for the first five people to contact me at, asking me a question they would like guidance about. I will pick an angel card for the first five people who send me their questions. I will scan the cards and the messages and provide any intuitive insights that come to me that I will share via email.

I will select an angel card for the first five people to contact me. Perhaps Rafael, the Angel of Healing, pictured above, will have an important message for you. Just tell me the issue you need guidance about and I will select an angelic message that can help you. Photo from Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney’s “Angel Blessings: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration.”
For those of you on my guardian and pets list, I will pull a Power Animal Card for the first five guardians who contact me at Those interested in receiving a message from their pet should send me the name, gender and age of their pet, along with a picture of their pet via email. The card I pull will be from your pet and will reveal what your pet wants to share with you to help you gain insight into an issue in your life.

Would you like to learn what your dog wants to tell you about your life? If you are among the first five guardians to send me a picture of your pet, along with your pet’s age, gender and name, I will pull a card from my Power Animal Oracle Card Deck by Steven Farmer and send you the message your pet wants you to know. Photo of this Sheltie is by Bert Müller from
And finally, as part of my birthday celebration, I am offering a 50% discount on my two e-books, “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” and “25 Ways to Maintain a Happy and Healthy Dog” until Wednesday, August 16. My “Meditation for People and Pets” will also be discounted 50% until Wednesday, August 16.
Important Wisdom about Your Birthday
In Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney’s “Angel Blessings: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration,” the Angel of Blessings, Amarushaya, shares important wisdom about birthdays:
The most important day of the year is your birthday. Your Eternal Self releases a new pulsation of light into your body, with guidance of how to express more of your Divine Plan. The closer you are to your Eternal Self and God, the more blessings you will receive and consciously recognize.
In the weeks just before, you will experience a grand review of lessons you have learned during the past year as well as those that will come up in the next year. During this time, you have the opportunity to dissolve a great deal of accumulated judgment, fear, and pain as this outpouring of light nourishes you. Every moment presents an opportunity to break an old pattern and move into the spontaneous free flow of loving energy.

“Every moment presents an opportunity to break an old pattern and move into the spontaneous free flow of loving energy.” Photo by Kaanon MacFarlane from
“Several days before your birthday, review your past year and think ahead to the next. Meditate as much as possible and reach deeply into the truth of your being. Write down your intentions for the coming year and seal them in ceremony. Light a candle and call for the presence of your Eternal Self, your Guardian Angel, God, and all other angels and beings of light who guide and love you. Consecrate your coming year to God-attunement and your specific intentions, and then CELEBRATE!”

“Consecrate your coming year to God-attunement and your specific intentions, and then CELEBRATE!” Photo by Billy Alexander from
My Birthday Wishes to You
On my birthday, as I look back at the year that was, with all its many blessings and challenges, and the year to come, filled with so much hope and promise, it makes my heart happy to spread whatever joy and abundance I can by sharing my gifts. Being in service is a true blessing in life.
May you enjoy the meditation and may you call on Ramaela and her energy of joy to help uplift your heart, raise your vibration and open to more blessings and abundance.
My ministry is to remind others about what miracles they are and how many lives they have positively affected throughout their lives.
I am so grateful for the beautiful miracles you all are. I send special thanks to all those friends who reached out to wish me a happy birthday. May your wishes come back to you in so much grace and joy.
With love, healing and miracles, and lots of birthday joy and abundance,
Rev. Donna El Haber
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