Important Information on Vaccinations

I want to alert you to an issue that is of paramount importance for the health and well-being of your companion animals.
I am an ardent advocate of limiting the number of vaccinations given to any pet, child or adult. Indeed, I have learned from many holistic veterinarians and classical homeopaths that even a single vaccination can be enough to cause irreparable damage and condemn an animal or person to a life of ongoing chronic disease or worse.
There have been instances of guardians reporting that pets became so ill shortly after being vaccinated that they had to put them down. Others report about their ill pets being vaccinated and rapidly declining in health after the vaccinations. There are increasingly frequent reports of people taking stands and suing veterinarians. Here is one case you can read about: And here is the link to read about another extended legal battle:
The guardian of a beautiful cat filed to seek justice for the pain and suffering of her cat, whose leg had to be amputated after receiving two site injections in its leg when it was already sick. She also is suing for her own pain and suffering in having to see her beloved pet go through all it did and then have to ultimately put her pet to sleep. She also is still appealing her case to help pave the way for better care in the future for others.
This issue is one that deeply affected my life when I over-vaccinated my dog Socrates, who made his transition in July of 2011. I relied on the wisdom of the veterinarian who was treating him. Back then, I didn’t know better, but now I do. And I am grateful that because of the voices of some courageous and outspoken researchers and holistic vets, more and more guardians are taking proactive roles in the care of their pets. It is of paramount importance for those I work with to understand this complex issue that will dramatically affect the health of their animals and also of their own lives and those of their family members and friends.
Socrates was hypothyroid, had a nose that would not heal, many allergies and ultimately lost his life to Geriatric Onset Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy (GOLPP). He also had what is called the “Rabies Miasm,” sometimes exhibiting a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality, alternately loving and then having aggressive outbursts. He managed to live until almost 14 years of age because of my healing work and the brilliance of a gifted classical homeopath.
Out of the darkness of his vaccinosis, I became wiser and went to lectures given by Dr. W. Jean Dodds and also by Dr. Ronald Schultz. May they and other courageous veterinarians who have spoken out on this topic be blessed for the wonderful and brave work they have done in the world to help our pets enjoy the healthy lives they so richly deserve.
Blog Post about Dangers of Vaccination
I wrote a blog post about it that includes the names of many of those vets like Dr. Michael Dym, Dr. Stephen Blake, Dr. Richard Pitcairn, and Dr. Bob Rogers, among others. You can read my blog post here.
You can also read what holistic vets say about vaccinations in an article on Dogs Naturally Magazine’s website at
Extensive List of Articles about Vaccination
Over the years, I have compiled a list of websites that discuss this issue and others related to health and the vaccination issue. You can access this information here. If you share it, as I hope you will, please give me credit as the compiler of the list and include my website address,, so they can learn about my services and also gather additional health information and resources.
Please be a proactive guardian and always read, learn and question. Never take for granted that either your veterinarian or your doctor know all that he or she should. If what I have shared saves any one of you or your pets from needless pain and suffering, then it will be a beautiful blessing.
Yahoo Group – Truth about Vaccinations
This is a good group to join to learn more about how vaccinations adversely affect the health of our pets. In addition to the online posts and discussions, there is an array of articles and other materials in the group’s file section. Here is a description of the group by list owner Magda Aguila:
“This group is dedicated to providing information about the damages of vaccinations for pets. The goal of the group is to help pet caretakers stop the unnecessary vaccination of our animals. Other related subjects such as alternative medicines, human vaccines and childhood vaccination, alternatives to flea, tick, and Heartworm prevention as well as appropriate diet will also be discussed.”
To learn more or to subscribe, go to
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