New Study Shows How Dogs Are So Tuned In to our Emotions
Donna El Haber2020-04-18T23:49:19-07:00Many guardians also understand well that our dogs not only process the sounds and tones we make and respond accordingly, but they are also incredibly tuned in to our every breath and movement. They read our body language better than we could ever begin to read theirs. They are geniuses in knowing just what we are feeling and thinking. As an animal communicator, I have long come to believe that they indeed not only interpret our sounds and read our body language, but also are telepathically tuned in to our thoughts. Recently challenged by my business coach to crowd fund my tuition for the class, I created a crowd funding page with a number of perks for people and pets. The crowd funding page is a way for me to get the word out about my work so I can help more people and animals and be of greater service in the world. In addition to a variety of perks for people on the page, I also included some for your pets as well. I invite you to take a look at my crowd funding page, where you will find a lovely movie which includes a segment on Harry and how he stepped out of his comfort zone. Please feel free to share this blog post and all the links with others. Perhaps you may even see a perk that you want to buy for someone else. One of my friends is buying an animal communication session for her friend who recently lost her beloved dog.