Sage Advice from My Beloved Mother for You on Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day!
I want to wish all of you who are mothers and guardians of pets a very happy and wonderful Mother’s Day. It is a day to honor those who gave us life and who also gave so much of their lives to provide for us and to support us in so many ways.
When she was alive, my mother Ginger was not only my mother, but also a dear and treasured friend whose counsel was very important to me. I shared deeply with her and she knew my heart better than almost anyone else. When I attended a grief group after losing someone I loved, I heard a number of women in the group who were mourning various losses all still speak of wanting to pick up a phone to talk to their mothers who had long since departed.
My mother was a very old and wise soul. She was the second eldest of six siblings, consisting of four other sisters and one brother, who was the youngest, and she outlived them all. I believe this was partially because of my involvement in maintaining her health, my knowledge of health-related issues, the many healing modalities that I am privileged to know, and through the fabulous homeopathic care administered by one of my dear friends who is a classical homeopath and nurse practitioner. My mother also had excellent care from her kind and wise medical doctors. But most of all, in almost reaching her 92nd birthday, I believe my mother’s longevity was a result of her indomitable spirit, her love of life and her unwavering faith in God.

My mother Ginger, with her beautiful red hair and freckles, relaxing on the patio. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2007. All rights reserved.
She would always share that someone was watching over her. Whenever I was down and feeling in despair, she would say, “You’re not a quitter. You’re a fighter.” I would often respond, “No mom, I’m not a fighter. You are.” She was my role model for extraordinary inner strength. She would talk about the strength of the Vikings and approaching problems with the strong will and intensity of a Viking.
She loved history and beautifully produced British movies like “Pride and Prejudice” that reflected more gentile times. She enjoyed watching many different PBS programs. And she also loved “Dancing with the Stars.” When that show comes on each season, I imagine her watching it in heaven with me. And I sometimes think, “Did you see that extraordinary dance, mom?” And we also used to love to watch “So You Think You Can Dance” together.
After my father died of cancer, my mother found herself also battling cancer. When she was in remission, it was dancing at New York’s Roseland Ballroom almost every night that brought her spirit back to life. She came alive when she danced. It was her passion. On her monument, my sister and I included the phrase, “I’d rather be dancing,” the Capezio slogan that she so loved.
She also loved to sew, design and create. She used to get so much joy in creating baby quilts for those expecting babies or to create pillows and bread basket liners for family and friends. She always taught me about the joy of giving.

Cat Pillow and Basket Liner by Ginger. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2010. All rights reserved.
She dearly loved both my dogs who were like her grand dog children. They were her pride and joy. I am so grateful that she was here during the three weeks they got to be brothers before my beloved Socrates passed.
On her walker, she used to have a bag with pictures of many breeds of dogs. In one corner was a black-and-white English springer spaniel. When my sister told us of her litter of puppies and the one she had in mind for us, my mother affirmed that Harry was coming as his picture was already on her bag.
My mother was actually a very gifted psychic. I can recall one incident in particular when we were waiting for her to begin a physical therapy session. A young woman on crutches with a cast on one of her legs came out of the physical therapy room and my mother asked her, “What happened? Did you have a soccer accident?” And the girl said, “Yes, how did you know?” I wondered that as well. How did she know? She knew so many things.
She loved astrology and used to buy many astrology books. She also always had the intention of learning to read Tarot cards, but ultimately did not pursue that interest.

Springwest Socrates and Ginger were the best of friends. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2005. All rights reserved.
She would also say that my true love would find me. I asked her how that could be possible at a time when I was not going out and wasn’t participating on any dating websites. I asked her if he would magically appear at my door, ring the bell and say, “Hello. I am your Prince Charming.” She would say, “He will find you. Just wait. You’ll see.” She said if he didn’t come before she made her transition, then she would send him to me.
As it turned out, my fiancé did come to me in a kind of mystical way. I didn’t have to go out looking for him. He did magically appear within an online spiritual community and Spirit found a way to connect us. I am so grateful that she got to know him during her last year as they regularly connected on Skype.
A week before she died, when she was in the hospital, I asked her about Sharbel, who was not yet my fiancé. We were all to meet two weeks later for the first time in person. She said, “You will marry him, be very happy, and be with him through eternity.”
Whenever I was filled with worry and fear, my mother would often put her index finger over her lips as a sign for me to stop and get still and quiet. She would say, “Let’s go on an imaginary vacation and leave our worries behind. Just this week, let’s choose to not worry about anything.” And it would indeed feel like a beautiful vacation. When my mind was quieted from the worry and fear, it gave creativity and positive experiences a chance to flow in and blossom.

Ginger with Champion Springwest’s Amazing Grace, Harry’s mother, at a dog show. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2007. All rights reserved.
On this Mother’s Day, I’d like you to take my mother’s advice. Know that you have the inner strength of a Viking that will see you through the challenges you face. Give from your heart because it will bring you so much joy. Take time to be creative and do what you love to do whether it’s hiking, dancing, singing, sewing, going to the ocean or sharing time with those most precious to your heart. Stay open to your intuition and take a long vacation from any worry, doubts and fears that have been blocking your light and creativity.
If you are seeking a love relationship, just know that your beloved will always find you no matter what you do or do not do. It is already written and your soul will know how to find your beloved.
I encourage you to select a song that you want to be your special song with your mother whether she’s here or has already made her transition. After she passes, when you hear it, you will know she is around. My song with my mother is “Wind Beneath my Wings.” She loved Bette Midler’s version. My mother was indeed the “wind beneath my wings” as I was hers. Now my fiancé has so gracefully taken on that dynamic as we support and champion each other.
Know also, as my mother so often affirmed, that someone is always watching over you, caring about you, protecting you, guiding you and loving you.
On this day, my mother will probably be dancing in heaven, doing a cha-cha-cha or salsa pachanga. I can see her with her arms raised, smiling, snapping her fingers and dancing on the balls of her feet. I know, too, that she will be looking forward to attending my wedding in June where my fiancé and I plan to honor both our mothers, who are so dear to our hearts, in our sacred ceremony.

Harry visits his Grandma Ginger at the rehab center. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2012. All rights reserved.
Some of you might not have or have had wonderful relationships with your mothers. Then for you, on this day, you can give the precious gift of forgiveness to your mothers that ultimately becomes a very important gift for you.
Know that each of our mothers is doing the best they can with all the experiences they have had and the inner programs they received as children that might still be running their thoughts and beliefs. When you try to see their lives from the higher perspective of Love and Compassion, you can more easily shift into Forgiveness. If you are having an issue in seeing your mother in a more loving way, an angel counseling and healing session can help release this kind of pain from your heart. The angels are so wise and loving. You can learn more about my “Angelic Love and Heart Healing” transformational packages at
I recently received a beautiful testimonial from a client, Andreea Petruse, from CA, who had a breakthrough combination Akashic Records and angel counseling session with me. Here is an excerpt of what she shared:
“Thank you for your powerful combination Akashic Records and Angel Counseling session. Thank you too for your time, patience, devotion, and pure love that your very presence inspires. My session with you went straight into the heart of the questions I was facing and revealed the essential keys to help me meet those challenges with confidence and clarity.”
For those whose mothers have passed, if you are dealing with grief, please check out my “Angelic Love and Heart and Healing” transformational packages at In addition to the counseling and advanced energy healing work I do, I also do mediumship work and can read your Akashic Records.

Ginger enjoys an afternoon at Alstede’s Farm. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2010. All rights reserved.
The bonds we have with our mothers are never broken. When they pass, they become loving guardian angels who are always watching over us and helping us through our challenges, while cheering us on when we succeed or are in joy and abundance. To book a free half-hour get-acquainted session with me to see if I can help you break through to more love and joy, go to

Socrates sleeps cozily under the beautiful baby quilt that his Grandma Ginger made for him. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2010. All rights reserved.

Know how strong and creative you are and take a vacation from any worries, doubts and fears. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2008. All rights reserved.
On this day of acknowledging the grace that flows from our mothers and our gratitude for their unconditional love, I’d like to share a lovely Mother’s Day quote from Washington Irving:
“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”
May God and the angels bless all of you wonderful, caring, loving mothers with so much grace, joy and abundance.
Happy Mother’s Day!
With gratitude, love and light,
Rev. Donna
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