Archangel Raphael, Angel of Healing. Photo from Angel Blessing Cards, by Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney. All rights reserved.
“Vibrant Health and Healing Packages” with Archangel Raphael
These packages have been created to help you feel better on all levels — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We will discuss your health and the emotional issues that may be affecting how you are feeling physically. Together we will work on breaking the knot that is preventing health and joy to flow with ease into your life. Resources to support your health will also be shared and research will be done to help you find alternative methods of health care.
Listen to Rev. Donna El Haber talk about her Vibrant Health and Healing Packages.
“I Welcome a Shift to Vibrant Health Now” Transformational Package
This package is for those who are in need of healing on all levels and who will benefit greatly from a series of combination counseling and powerful advanced energy healing sessions. This package is recommended for those suffering from both physical and emotional pain. It is also for those who are ready to embrace a new way of looking at health issues and finding emotional links and triggers. This package is for those willing to also open to holistic and alternative ways of treating health issues and for those open to inviting in God and the angels, ascended masters and star beings to help with the healing process.
This package will include:
“Open to Healing On All Levels” Package
This package is for those who want to heal on all levels at a slower pace. It is for those who are open to alternative advanced energy healing and who want to also explore new holistic ways of approaching their health issues. It is also for those who will welcome heavenly help from God, the Archangel Rafael, the Angel of Healing, Hamied, the Angel of Miracles, and other angels, along with saints and ascended masters, as well as star beings.

A variety of advanced energy healing modalities will be part of the process to help you feel so much better.
This package will include:
“Taste of Healing on All Levels” Package
This package is for those who want to experience the power of combination counseling and healing sessions. It is for those who want a taste of healing, who may be stressed, tired and have emotional issues affecting their bodies, but who are not experiencing any critical or severe health issues. They may, however, have had a serious emotional crisis, such as a loss of a loved one or loss of a job, are in the midst of a transitional move, or are having other issues that are causing extra stress in their lives and will benefit from guidance and healing.
This package will include:
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Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!